The things we should... esprit d'escalier!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Bennett signing in

So, yeah. Various things -- hotmail is, in fact, teh suck. However, the invitation I got was expired so, even without the suck, I couldn't join. 'Cept that now I did. So, yeah.

Pyro would be awesome. And backstage (backblog?) Betties.

As far as lists go, do books that we're supposed to be reading count? Cuz I have loads of those.


  • ok. so the gang's all here.

    i now wish, in retrospect, that the four of us (dog not included) had formed a capitalist punk band while we were all still living in Maryville. we could have been the biggest thing ever.


    By Blogger m, at 10:21 PM  

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