The things we should... esprit d'escalier!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Sorry to all edit your post and stuff...but that picture was creeping me out....seriously...



  • Yer not alone on that one. I had a case of some sort of stomach flu two nights ago, and while I was headed to the bathroom in the middle of the night to puke about every 20 minutes, that image kept flashing through my head. Urgh!

    By Blogger DrSchnell, at 3:58 PM  

  • That's funny, he just seemed like a tired German Santa to me. The artist's other work on that web page had some snarling doggies. Maybe you'd like that more. (But I will leave it to you to copy/paste it, since I don't want to disturb anyone.) Don't know why it says bambi is dead in the link...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 PM  

  • I think I saw it as a Santa on an autopsy table, which would account for the creepiness factor.

    By Blogger DrSchnell, at 12:58 PM  

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