Rule by.....
OK, in retrospect, the song should be called "Plutocracy in the USA," since plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, whereas oligarchy means "government by the few, esp. for corrupt and selfish purposes." Not to say that those are necessarily mutually exclusive designations.... But plutocracy always makes me think of "rule by animorphic Disney characters."
I went to Seattle, and now I am back. On the way I kept thinking about a band that had this alter-image folk group that came out first as a warm-up opening band. Most people did not understand that it was the same band that they paid good money to see. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE DETAILS, but it gave me an idea.
A neocon punk rock band needs a Tony Clifton socialist/anarchy/hippie alter-ego, that is really the same band. Maybe the instruments are traded around a bit.
Maybe MatchBox 20 and Phish are the SAME BAND.
BlackLineFish, at 2:52 AM
That would explain why they both suck horribly..
That sounds like a great idea.
m, at 11:27 AM
I think that Smashing Pumpkins did that. They were their own opening act, doing all acoustic stuff.
I don't know that Hovercraft ever opened up for Pearl Jam, but, same situation... 'Cept not acoustic.
Of course, now that I'm in like, 10 bands now... (Dangerous Psychotics, Johnny Johnson & The John-Tones, Glamgarden, Bongwater Taffy, unnamed alternate history protest folk-rock band... any good names for that?)
RawkStah, at 2:14 AM
Alternative History Folk band names? How about "Lincoln's Nixon" or "Six Degrees of [insert political figure or event here]" or "Ambrose" or "Chaotica." (Sorry about that last one.)
Okay, I don't know how long it takes google to pick up new blogs, but it will happen soon, and we should probably make one of our song titles "Mesa Que Mas Aplauda" or something, because it is the NUMBER ONE search words that lead to my other blog... check out "With which key words" at:
BlackLineFish, at 2:35 AM
Google is searching this site now, and the "Kapitalist Handbag" searches are just tests from me. You will be happy to know that this is the first site that pops up with that search. Not bad... must be a song title...
BlackLineFish, at 10:42 PM
I know that when Spinal Tap did their reunion tour a few years back, they opened for themselves as the band (whose name I forget) that they played in "A Mighty Wind," the folkie-spoof that they did a few years ago. Got booed regularly.
DrSchnell, at 1:55 PM
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